11 January 2016

Animal illustration for children

Animal illustration for children. Winter is already a reality and we are all thinking in bears and snow. This time, year 5 pupils are getting familiar with drawing animals, taking into account their proportions and shapes of their bodies. A grizzly bear has been the animal chosen to do a very interesting illustrating activity.

El fred ja és una realitat i a Cicle Superior estem tots ja pensant en neu i óssos. Els alumnes de 5è estan familiaritzant-se amb el dibuix d’animals. Tenint en compte les seves proporcions i les formes que creen els seus cossos. Un ós Grizzly americà ha estat l’escollit per realitzar una interessant tasca d’il·lustració. Primerament, s’ha treballat l’animal de forma realista, dibuixant-lo tal com el vèiem a una fotografia i repassant el contorn a tinta amb bolígraf de punta fina, imitant la pell de l’ós. Es dibuixà un segon ós, igual que el primer, a llapis. Després, amb el regle l’anàrem geometritzant, creant el seu contorn amb línies rectes que repassàrem amb el "Pilot" posteriorment. Omplírem tota la figura amb polígons, la repassàrem i es pintà. Finalment, dibuixàrem un últim ós, el qual s’omplí amb textures i estampats. Amb aquesta activitat no només hem treballat la il·lustració i el dibuix del cos d’animals, sinó també el color, la línia i la creativitat.

bear_illustration_children bear_illustration_children

26 June 2015

Van Gogh Sunflowers by Year 5 children

Van Gogh famous Sunflowers have been the inspiration for Year 5 artists. Using different types and colours of paper, they have created their own version of the picture. Not only sunflowers have appeared in their vases, all kind of flowers have filled their art pieces.

Van Gogh Sunflowers children

30 April 2015

Let's make Peace

Collaborating is fun. Last 30th of January we drew colourful doves as it was Peace Day. We were in groups of four. Each child had two fingers stained with paint. As the teacher said the orders, the kids went stamping coloured dots all over the doves. We had fun and we got a beautiful result. What do you think?

26 April 2015

Saint George's Dragon

Saint George's legend has come to life in Cicle Superior. The dragon itself appeared flying along the corridor. It's not part of magic (or maybe yes!) our pupils have been working hard and fun to create his long and colour body. Finger paint, wax colours, felt-tips...no rules to colour it!

14 April 2015

Mandala: the art of patience and creativity

Mandalas are a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the Universe. Year 1 and Year 2 kids coloured them taking into account their radial composition. They didn't have to colour it in any specific way, the only rule was to start from the centre. First, they listened to a music and had to concentrate on it, then they had to begin working on their mandala.

7 April 2015

New ways

What can you find in an art room? Crayons? Felt-tips? Brushes? Not in "cicle mitjà"! What happens if you forgot your wax crayons? What if you' ve lost your coloured pencils? Do not panic! We are exploring and discovering new ways of colouring. Did you know that you can use cotton sticks to paint? Oh yes, you can! We did it in 3rd and we got original results! And have you ever tried using sponges to colour? Try it! You'll have fun! We used them in 4th and we painted original leaves falling from the trees. Let's mix warm colours such as orange, red, yellow and brown and you'll find yourself in an autumn postcard


Welcome to the "Cicle Mitjà" Art Gallery.

Welcome! We open the doors of our Art Gallery. Portraits, landscapes, still life ... we've tried our best as early painters. Have a walk, take a look and enjoy Art.
